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We are thrilled to announce that Coronet Peak will be hosting the 2024 Skoda South Island School Mountain Bike Championships. This event will take place from Thursday 21 of March to Sunday 24 of March (weather day included).
Our opening hours & trail updates for Skoda SI Schools MTB Championships are as per below:
Wednesday 20th March:
Opening Hours: 10am – 4pm.
Trail Updates: ALL trails open.
Thursday 21st March:
Opening Hours: 10am – 4pm.
Trail Updates: Dirt Serpent and XC closed as we run the Schools XCO. The Downhill is open until 3pm and closed from 3pm-4pm due to the official practice. Please note: we will NOT run a Sunset Session on 21/3.
Shuttle: operational
Friday 22nd March:
Opening Hours: 10am- 4pm.
Trail Updates: DH trail closed all day to public. XC, Dirt Serpent open. Via to XC and Dirt Serpent via M1/tuck, Chimney is closed.
Shuttle: operational
Saturday 23rd March:
Opening Hours: 10am - 4pm.
Trail Updates: The Enduro will see Morning Glory, Rude Rock, XC and Dirt Serpent (incl. Upper DH) closed for racing from 10am – 2pm. The Downhill is open all day including Chimney.
Shuttle: operational but closed for 11am, 12pm, 1pm and 2pm.
On Thursday, Friday & Saturday liftpasses will be $30 due to the trail disruption. This does not include a shuttle.
A big thank you to our partners, Cycling NZ, for their invaluable support in bringing this event to life.