Mountain updates
Mountain Status
Road Status
Road conditions
Please beware of cyclists on the access road, give them plenty of space and do not pass on blind corners
Ride our Gondola / chair for incredible views of the Southern Lakes basin and mighty Southern Alps Wednesday - Sunday
Road conditions
Please beware of cyclists on the access road, give them plenty of space and do not pass on blind corners
Ride our Gondola / chair for incredible views of the Southern Lakes basin and mighty Southern Alps Wednesday - Sunday
3 day forecast provided by Metservice -
Latest forecast.
Conditions are accurate at the time this report was updated, please be aware that conditions are variable and subject to change.
Coronet Peak
Daily Summer report
Last Updated: Wed 26 Mar 07:50 AM Mainly fine with a few clouds and some wind from the west
Mountain Status
<p> </p> <p>It is our final week of the season up here at Coronet Peak!</p> <p>The DH has had some love put into it after the Oceania champs last weekend. So will be up and running nicely along with our other trails</p> <p>Sightseeing will be spectacular again today. With the autumn colors and pristine air quality it really is a sight to behold!</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p>Please note! Our open hours for this final week are:</p> <p>Wednesday - Sunday 10am - 4pm<br />(no late night sessions)</p> <p> </p>
10°c / 4°c
9°c / -2°c
7°c / 4°c
3 day forecast provided by Metservice -
Latest forecast.
Conditions are accurate at the time this report was updated, please be aware that conditions are variable and subject to change.
Road conditions
Please beware of cyclists on the access road, give them plenty of space and do not pass on blind corners
Ride our Gondola / chair for incredible views of the Southern Lakes basin and mighty Southern Alps Wednesday - Sunday
Sightseeing Gondola
Retail Shop
Barista Bar and West End eatery
Mountain Bike Rental and Workshop
National Downhill L5
Dirt Serpent (Upper Rude Rock) L4
XC MTB Trail L3
MTB Shuttle QTN The Station Building 10am daily from Duke St | Weds & Thurs Sunset Sessions: 4pm shuttle from 9 Duke Street PLUS Hot Rod & Carry On Trail (from 11am) On the hour (except 1pm daily and 4pm Weds & Thurs) from Coronet Peak Station Road & Malaghans Road
Summit walkway
Disc Golf course
MTB Features park at base